All of Vegapunks’ revelations in his final speech in One Piece

Info dump time!

Dr. Vegapunk from one piece

It is common knowledge that Dr. Vegapunk is the brightest mind in the entire One Piece universe. At least, no one has topped his genius yet. Unfortunately, possessing knowledge isn’t always a welcomed notion in the eyes of the World Government, and Dr. Vegapunk may have become too smart for his own good. If you don’t understand what I mean, be warned. You will likely get spoiled if you read further.

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Fans have been questioning Dr. Vegapunk’s alignment since his introduction to the series. He seems to be villainous due to his allegiance to the World Government, yet so many good characters speak fondly of him. It turns out the mad genius is just a seeker of truth and knowledge.

With the World Government hunting his behind, he didn’t want his accumulated knowledge to be buried with him. The moment his heart stopped beating, a pre-recorded video feed was broadcast across the globe. Here’s everything he revealed, solving some of the series’ great mysteries.

The world of One Piece is sinking according to Dr. Vegapunk
Image via MangaPlus

The world of One Piece is sinking

According to Dr. Vegapunk, the world of One Piece is slowly sinking. Interestingly, this revelation doesn’t come as much of a surprise. There have been signs and hints even during the earlier arcs of the series, with the most obvious one being Water 7. After all, a good portion of the Capital of Water has already sunk under the sea. However, Dr. Vegapunk’s first revelation doesn’t stop there.

The genius scientist predicted that the world would experience gargantuan earthquakes, raising the sea level by a meter. And he was spot on. The more surprising piece of information, however, is that these earthquakes aren’t a natural phenomenon. They are man-made, which leads to the next revelation and will be expounded on the last one.

Dr. Vegapunk confessing his sins in One Piece
Image via MangaPlus

Dr. Vegapunk’s two sins

During the video feed, Dr. Vegapunk confesses to two sins he apparently committed. The first one is creating an eternal source of energy, the Mother Flame. The second one is digging deep into the Void Century — the history that the World Government is strenuously trying to bury.

Dr. Vegapunk’s motivation for his inventions has always been for the betterment of the world’s denizens. He wanted an energy source that could fuel every corner of the world. The manifestation of his hard work and research is the Mother Flame — a flame that never goes out. However, a piece of the said flame has been stolen and utilized to activate an Ancient Weapon to wipe out Lulusia. The manga already revealed that the culprit behind both instances is the World Government. Nonetheless, Dr. Vegapunk blamed himself for the loss of so many lives.

As for this second sin, it is much simpler. He confesses to studying the incomplete records of the Void Century, which are primarily from what is left of the research of the archaeologists of Ohara. But despite his limited information, Dr. Vegapunk has learned enough to shake the world.

Dr. Vegapunk revealing the truth about the Void Century
Image via MangaPlus

The truth behind Void Century

The main culprit behind the exploits done in the Void Century is the ever-so-enigmatic Joyboy. Dr. Vegapunk reveals that Joyboy was born in an era wherein technology was more advanced. Like the Sun God himself, Joyboy possessed the ability to stretch and contract his body. But most importantly, Joyboy was the very first person to be called a pirate.

While Joyboy’s goals are unknown, his enemies are known to be called the Alliance. This alliance ultimately became the Celestial Dragons that would establish the world government. The two sides fought harshly, ending with Joyboy’s defeat. That is also when the Void Century ended. Then, it all connects to his first two revelations.

While the battle between Joyboy and the Alliance came to an end, the aftermath of their battle is still visible to the present world of One Piece. Dr. Vegapunk proceeds to explain that the world during Joyboy’s time wasn’t as watery as the present. Since then, the world has sunk 200 meters. The current geography is nothing more than a few pieces of a continent from long ago. Furthermore, there may have been a number of sunk, unknown continents.

The sudden rise of sea level is a hypothesis that Dr. Vegapunk already proved. Despite suffering defeat, Joyboy left the three Ancient Weapons for the future. Even though Dr. Vegapunk did not expound on this topic further, we, the readers, are already aware of their existence. Pluton remains in Wano while Poseidon is Princess Shirahoshi. That only leaves Uranus. With the stolen Mother Flame as fuel, Imu activated Uranus and obliterated Lulusia, which then led to the one-meter increase in sea level.

Alas, Dr. Vegapunk would have made another important revelation relating to the Will of D. Unfortunately, his feed was cut off before the grand reveal.

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Christian Markle
Christian Markle is writing anime, manga, webtoon, and manhwa-related articles. Either that or he's hiding inside his hole indulging in manga, anime, and/or video games.
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