There are 23 Photo Op locations in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, allowing you to let loose your inner shutterbug (shutterarachnid?).
The goal is to send ideal pictures of New York City life to Robbie Robertson, who chimes in with some commentary. It’s a nice set of missions that may convince you to move to the city — if you’re fine with the occasional supervillain attack.
Below are all the locations, in no particular order.
Central Park Photo Op locations
The Truth
Take a shot of the alien conspiracist in the northern part of Central Park (I want to believe).
To the Beat
There’s a dance battle happening in Central Park, and you need to take a photo of it pronto. Swing to the southern section of the park and look for the large, stone monument where people are gathered/throwing down.
China Town Photo Op locations
The Little Taiyaki Cart
You’ll find the cart on the eastern side of Chinatown near the water. It’s drawing quite the line for a taiyaki cart that’s mostly advertising soft pretzels.
The northwestern section of Chinatown is where you want to go. Look for a small park with benches, where two people are playing chess. It’s drawing a surprisingly large crowd.
Downtown Brooklyn Photo Ops locations
Now That’s a Bridge
Squeeze yourself between two buildings and look up to take a picture of the Manhattan Bridge. You’re not alone, as others are also gawking at the impressive structure.
Greenwich Photo Ops locations
Greenwich Mural
You’ll find a colorful mural painted on the side of a building. It’s detailed with color, flowers, and what looks like a brick with the word “LOVE” written on it. Or is it a sponge? I can’t say I’ve ever loved a sponge, but they’re not as throwable as bricks. This one has layers.
Telling Time
You’ll find the second Greenwich location on the north side of its massive park. Look for the guy standing on a box and yelling at students to get their asses to class.
Hell’s Kitchen Photo Op locations
The Duel
Just north of the large, circular building is the photo op section for Hell’s Kitchen in Spider-Man 2. Sadly, you’re not taking a picture of Daredevil. Instead, go to the ground level where people are gathered around two dueling musicians.
Williamsburg Photo Op locations
Hidden Oasis
This one is tricky to find right away. Check on the rooftops in the northern section of Williamsburg for a water tower with no roof. Perch yourself on the tower’s edge and check out the open-air bar inside. There’s a photo!
Astoria Photo Op locations
The Masked Challenger
I GOT YOU FOR THREE MINUTES! Or just one quick second to snap a shot of a Luchador in a suit. He’s standing next to some Crusher Hogan posters, which should pique the interest of Marvel fans. Find him on the corner of a large building with a small crowd gathered.
Step up to the Plate
This second location is on the island on the northwest corner of the Astoria district. Look for the baseball fields with the odd circular patterns. Snap a shot of the group having a small barbeque on the edge of a field.
Downtown Brooklyn Photo Op locations
Beach Party
On the western beach of Downtown Brooklyn is your next photo op challenge. It looks like one of Sandman’s hands hasn’t fully returned to the Earth. Naturally, local kids are partying on it. Take a photo of the group gathered around a bonfire. And… is that a picnic basket with red and white plaid cloth sticking out? How cliche.
Champion of Champions
To the south of the Coney Island attractions is a beach with a line of restaurants. Look for the dancing hotdog mascot so you can take a picture of a hotdog-eating champ. The line to meet him isn’t very long.
Downtown Queens Photo Op locations
We’ll Treat You Like Family
Look for the restaurant on the bottom corner of a building. Keep an eye out for bright, purple signs with the name: Jirji’s Hummus. There’s a vendor out front with a red apron loudly advertising the business. If you can’t see the spot, you should at least know where it is by sound.
Financial District Photo Op locations
It Was an Accident
Someone’s bike got run over by a cab, and now the driver and bike owner are arguing about being unable to pay for it. Yeah, I guess that feels like New York. But it also reminds me that being poor sucks and life sometimes hates you. Oh, pictures! Yay!

Harlem Photo Op locations
The City Game
Travel to the southeast section of Harlem to find the next location. Look for a couple of people playing basketball on a court in a residential area.

Little Odessa Photo Op locations
The Bodega Beef
Two catsuit-wearing Spider-Men mascots are having it out over rival restaurants. It seems like a play and is pretty entertaining to watch all the way through. They’re easy to spot, at least. Head to the middle and north of Little Odessa, but not far enough to reach the water.

This location can’t be missed, since it’s the first one you need to do to start the photo op mission. Follow the marker and snap a cool photo of two guys throwing a flying disc from rooftop to rooftop. I’m pretty sure that’s Captain America’s shield.
We’re Here Every Week
In the northern section of Little Odessa, look for a street with market stalls and a large banner advertising organic vegetables hanging above.

Midtown Photo Op locations
We Haven’t Forgotten
Oscorp created the Devil’s Breath, a disease that swept through the city in the original Insomniac game. This created a lot of ill will, and New York’s citizens haven’t forgotten. This location is easy to find. Look for the massive Oscorp skyscraper and head to its front entrance (the name on the tower can’t be missed). There, you’ll see a group of protestors picketing the company.

Audition Piece
This final photo location can be tough to find. Head to the northern part of Midtown and look for the Radio City Music Hall southeast of the Oscorp skyscraper. Go underneath the overhang to find a man in a suit and comical top hat practicing his lines. Take a photo of him, and you’re done with this challenge.

Upper West Side Photo locations
Kinda Fanboys
My favorite photo of the whole collection! Go just a hair north of the central section of the Upper West Side. On a roof, you’ll find two bargain-basement Spider-Men acting up in front of a camera.

Upper East Side Photo Op locations
The Roof Court
On the southeast section of the Upper East Side you’ll find a building with a tennis court on the roof. I suppose this is how rich people spend their time? Anyway, snap a photo of the players and this one is in the bag.

Rewards for completing all Photo Op locations in Spider-Man 2
Once you snap your final picture, Robbie calls you up to deliver the final bit of commentary. The last picture completes the ‘Show Me New York’ mission and you get rewarded the New York, New York trophy. You also earn five City Tokens and 1,000 XP.
Published: Oct 28, 2023 10:33 am