Amazon terribly rolls out their exclusive Zelda amiibo without warning, grab it now

‘Prime only’

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[Update: And they’re gone! A surprise drop, Prime Only, and sold out in roughly an hour. Not a great time to be an amiibo collector. It hasn’t been this bad since Wave 4 in 2015.]

It’s amiibo hunting day!

Three new Zelda figures are out (Skyward, Majora, Twilight), and at least two retail outlets have it together. Best Buy and GameStop’s latter two exclusives (respectively) have already been shipped after being available right after they were announced, but Amazon has dropped the ball completely with a surprise release without warning.

Whereas even Palutena was announced in the past, this one just sprang up without a heads-up and is a “Prime Only” affair. Please Nintendo, refrain from giving anyone any more exclusives. It’s much easier to deal with nabbing a figure when only one place drops the ball, but if that place has the exclusive, you’re screwed.

Maybe Amazon will keep ample stock? Either way the surprise Prime Only thing isn’t a great look.

Link [Amazon]

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!
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