Analyst: Wii U software attach rate is 1.2 in US

One in every five owners bought a game at retail

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Analyst James Hardiman claims the software attach rate for the Wii U since its November US launch is 1.2, with only one in five buyers considered to have bought a new game on top of packed-in software.

Hardiman offers two reasons for the low software sales — firstly, he suggests that, for many users, the inclusion of Nintendo Land in the premium bundle was enough for them. Secondly, he believes the Wii U’s price was high enough to dissuade consumers from making extra purchases. 

Digital sales could make the numbers look better, but the lack of information, as well as the eShop’s noncompetitive nature, makes it difficult to gauge how well this avenue has done. 

What do you think? Is the Wii U DOOOOMED yet? Me, I’m just reveling in the nostalgia of Nintendo console attach rate discussions. It’s been so long since that topic was a thing. The good times are back!

Analyst says Wii U has US software attach rate of just 1.2 games per console [MCV]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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