And the Bulletstorm nutcracker winner is…

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Before the holidays, Epic Games, People Can Fly, and Electronic Arts sent us a pretty cool gift: a custom made, Bulletstorm nutcracker.

One of our New Year’s resolutions this year was to crack fewer nuts, so we decided to give it away. And your winner, chosen at random by is: the Twitter user who goes by the name Cellether. Congratulations! We’ll be contacting you shortly (via Twitter private message) to get details on where we should be sending your prize! 

Thanks to EA, Epic Games, and People Can Fly for being good sports while entrants flooded their Twitter account with obnoxious messages. An even bigger thanks to everyone who help us do it!

Bulletstorm is out February 22 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. No nutcracker included, but Xbox 360 owners can get access to the Gears of War 3 beta; that’s pretty fancy!

About The Author
Nick Chester
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