Another day, another Deus Ex trademark registered

This one kinds looks legit though

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We’ve had a flurry of activity about recent trademarks concerning the Deus Ex franchise which turned out to be the movie and a re-classified Australian version of 2011’s Deus Ex Human Revolution. Now, a sharp eyed tweet has pointed us towards domains being registered for Deus Ex The Fall.

Domain registrations aren’t a true indicator of a game’s existence; a studio will register a dozen domains to mask the true title and there’s plenty of viral sites that will be registered too. This could be a tie-in-novel, animated movie, iOS title … there’s plenty of options there. Also, Eidos Montreal are going to be real busy with the Thief reboot for a while yet.

That being said, The Fall conjures up all kinds of images in my brain; the secession of the states and the formation of the NSF, the beginning of the Grey Death, the bombing of the Statue of Liberty. My guess is that Deus Ex: The Fall would be an apt title indeed.

Human Defiance wasn’t the name of the next Deus Ex, but this might be [@superannuation, image]

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Alasdair Duncan
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