Anyone for mystery? Sherlock Holmes vs. Ars?ne Lupin

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I’m still nostalgic for point-and-click PC adventure games. You know, ridiculously obscure puzzles that require you to combine things in an ungodly marriage, wringing your extremities in rage as you scream, “HOW THE EFF WAS I SUPPOSED TO THINK OF THAT?” And, the pointy finger, your tour guide to mystery, so often used to idly poke characters in the eyes and nose during the long, long loading screens.

Don’t play with me; you know you did that.

Anyway, maybe it’s time for me to break out the Ben-Gay and start watching The Price is Right reruns in my Barcalounger or something, while I ponder which denture cream has the firmest grip with the least amount of messy ooze (yet, why are all denture commercials choral musicals now?)– but on the off chance you and I have a yen for oldschool adventure in common, check out these of upcoming indie point-and-click adventure games for the PC. Did I mention they’re freeware? Score!

Of course, you could check out these screenshots, too. They’re for Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsène Lupin, an upcoming PC game from Focus Home Interactive. Yes, that Lupin. No, it’s not an anime. Hit the jump to read more!

This is an almost immediate follow up to Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, which my sources tell me is already out in the UK and slated, along with Arsène Lupin, for a US release later this year. That’s right, I said “my sources.” I’m so well-connected you could run broadband through me. Anyway, in The Awakened, you play the iconic detective versus– get this– a cult of Cthulu. How cool is that?

From the press release:

This new Sherlock Holmes game sends players to 19th Century London where Arsène Lupin, a young French burglar with an impressive track record, has just challenged Scotland Yard and the most famous of detectives – Sherlock Holmes. Lupin has announced that he plans to rob the capital of five objects of immense value over the course of five days. The objects are housed in highly prestigious locations such as the National Gallery, the British Museum, the Tower of London and even Buckingham Palace! Sherlock Holmes will have to muster all his courage and ingenuity to save England from terrible humiliation.

The game invites you to visit 19th century London in all its splendor and to travel through superb decors which have been faithfully reproduced with the game’s 3D engine. With famous places and some of the most prestigious landmarks as your playing field, it is as if you are on your own guided tour of one of Europe’s most fabulous cities. If the pace of the adventure and its many surprises leaves you breathless, take a break and enjoy looking at the hundreds of works of art, all faithfully reproduced in their real location.

Could be kinda rad, right? 

GameSpot gave The Awakened a healthy 8.3 — GAMESPOT SAYS IT GOOD THAT MUST MEAN IT IS !!! Seriously, though, I’m looking forward to these games with girlish glee– any of you Brits played The Awakened yet? Dig these new Arsène Lupin screenshots, and tell me your thoughts, my dears.  

About The Author
Leigh Alexander
I'm a game writer, which means I spend all day in a bacchanal of fabulous nerdiness. My fave games are Ys I & II, Phantasy Star 2 (!!) old Sonic (not the emo RPG crap), anything on Turbo Grafx, Zelda, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame (pretty much all survival-horror), most Final Fantasy, Shadow Hearts, RPGs that don't suck (are there any?) and for my gentle side, I like me some Katamari and Harvest Moon. Hearts for Destructoid!
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