Join in the fun!
PAX Prime is in 10 days!
Every year, Dtoiders from across the entire known universe make the trek to Seattle, WA to hug each other and then get hungover (and then hug again), and 2014 will be no different! This year’s convention goes down Labor Day weekend (August 29 through September 1); did you get your pass? (Haha, yeah right.)
Below is a list of all the Dtoid regional groups. If you’re planning to be at PAX, let us know in the comments and we’ll add your name to the list! And while you’re at it, be sure to join this year’s Google Group to stay up-to-date on all Dtoid community happenings, and follow Hamza and me on Twitter for even-more-up-to-date happenings. Hope to see you all there!
[Thanks to Sam Gobbldigook for the images!]
Dtoid Austin
Kyle MacGregor
Dtoid Boise
Mr Andy Dixon (forever alone)
Dtoid Chicago
Dtoid Denver
Wett Brett Makendonkeys
Dtoid Los Angeles
Dtoid Midwest
Captain ‘Merica
Dtoid New England
Dtoid Portland
Dtoid San Francisco
Hamza Aziz
Abel Girmay
Niero Gonzalez
Max Scoville
Bill Zoeker
Dtoid Seattle
Robo Panda Z
Again, if you’re planning on attending, please tell us in the comments and we’ll add your name to the list! Please be sure to include your region as well. If there isn’t already a region established for you, why not start a Dtoid regional group of your very own? Contact Conor Elsea or me and we’ll hook you up with all you’ll need to know to get started!
Also, be sure to join our PAX Prime 2014 Google Group and check out our Meetup Forums for additional info on group meetups, finding a roommate, travel arrangements, signing up to wear the Mr. Destructoid helmet, and more! Not able to go? Why not have your avatar adopted by another community member? It’s great fun.