Art Attack Friday: Dapper Dan

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In the modern lull of game-related Saturday morning cartoons, I sometimes find myself consumed in day dreams littered with cartoon-likenesses of Mario, Link, and all of their good friends and foes of ages past. Streaming out in full colored glory, they appear to me through rays of energized pixels. But as I gluttonously drink in this innate vision of a retro gaming paradise, a sudden soulful wish to share this with all good gamers hovers over my mid-day euphoria and quiets my elation.

Fortunately for everyone, this week AAF’s artist Dapper Dan (aka *TraditionalDanimatio) has sensed my wishes and has created pinpoint illustrations of my rather vibrant dreams in his absolutely fantastic works 250 Rupees and Pipe Dreams. Dapper’s impressive talent to create game-related art doesn’t end there however, as his portfolio is loaded with homages to Punch Out (in a series comic of three), Castlevania, and even a portrait of the Angry Video Game Nerd himself. The series of unbelievable Facebook graffiti drawings are worth taking a gander at, as well as the down-right impressive characterizations of The Big Lebowski characters. Don’t miss them!

Speaking of artistic premonition, Dapper makes note on his DeviantArt page that his series of Ghostbusters cartoons he renders every Halloween seem almost identically close to the character models developed for the upcoming Ghostbusters game. Coincidence or a blatant copy pasta? You make the call. You can see more of Dapper’s work in his DeviantArt gallery, or check out his great personal site at the Sketch Tavern.

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