Bit.Trip VOID is a game that you can play with your family, where you compete to see who can get fatter the fastest. Thanksgiving (link NSFW) is a holiday where families do the same thing, except with more awkward silences and passive aggressive bickering. One is a charming allegory about the dangers of selfishness, the other can give you an ulcer and case of mud-butt.
The choice is clear, people; skip eating this year and play Bit.Trip VOID on Thanksgiving instead. If you don’t want to choose, that’s actually OK too. The game is set for release on November 23rd, which will give you four days to play before the actual celebration of excess and obesity begins.
Just don’t come crying to me when the mud-butt comes-a-calling.
Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience
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