Assassin’s Creed 3 AnvilNext engine struts its stuff

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Featuring the most dramatic narration for a tech demo ever, the newest Assassin’s Creed 3 trailer shows off Ubisoft’s proprietary graphics engine, dubbed AnvilNext.

The engine is capable of dynamic weather in all four seasons, absurd numbers of NPCs on-screen at once, and plenty more. There’s also a little bit of Ubisoft bragging that with 1,000 new animations for Conner, he’s become “the most detailed third-person action character ever created.” See, that’s the kind of thing you might not otherwise appreciate while stabbing people in the neck. So thanks, Ubisoft! The more you know.

Assassin’s Creed 3 is out in October, and this demo of Ubisoft’s AnvilNext is pretty sexy. As if we needed more reason to be excited.

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Sophie Prell
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