Australian rating board site hacked and humiliated

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As we all know by now, it’s not much fun being an Australian gamer. Your games are delayed, your prices are high, and to top it all off, you have a ratings board that constantly bans and/or forces heavy edits in the latest titles. It would seem that some gamers have simply had enough, as the Australian Classification Board has been hacked and defaced by those who feel its true nature needs reflection.

“This site contains information about the boards that have the right to CONTROL YOUR FREEDOMZ,” states a message left by the hacker(s). “The Classification Board has the right to not just classify content (the name is an ELABORATE TRICK), but also the right to DECIDE WHAT IS AND ISNT APPROPRIATE and BAN CONTENT FROM THE PUBLIC.”

The obvious response here is that stunts like this don’t help, and certainly make those in favor of free speech on the Internet and in games look immature and reckless. That said, it’s very evident now that no amount of “maturity” will ever get the message across, so I don’t see how it’ll cause much harm. I think it’s a very clear indication that Australia’s backwards ratings system and controversial plans to filter Internet access has taken a very clear toll on the patience of its people. 

I find it hard to blame frustrated Australians from taking such a drastic step.

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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