Baby gamers set to take over the world!

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According to an industry analyst’s report, the age when children start using consumer electronics (in particular video games) went from 8.1 in 2005 to 6.7 in 2007. Huge sales of handheld systems (especially Nintendo’s cash cow the DS) can mostly be attributed to the decreasing statistic, with children-oriented blockbusters like Pokémon selling through the roof.

Strangely enough, the average age of gamers in general still holds at around 33, making me assume that Nintendo’s current plan to attract cotton tops is working rather well.

It makes me sad to think that I didn’t start playing games religiously until I was around the ripe, arthritis-stricken old age of 9. Not because my parents didn’t let me play, mind you. No, it was just because, I don’t know, the original Nintendo wasn’t even out yet! Ugh. Now I’m depressed.

If this rapid declining rate continues, expect Gamertag fEtUs69 to be kicking your ass and calling you a homosexual in Halo any day now.

[Via Next Generation]

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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