The Penguin, the upcoming DC spin-off show, has finally received a release date. Based on Matt Reeves’ The Batman, the show will be focusing on the villain Colin Farrell portrays in the movie. The Penguin show will be arriving in September, as revealed by Casey Bloys, chairman and CEO of HBO and Max, in an interview with Variety.
Colin Farrell as The Penguin in Matt Reeves’ Batman took everyone by surprise. The Irish actor’s complete transformation for the role after hours of make-up and a solid performance in the movie turned the character into an instant hit for the fans.
Not so long after the movie’s release, The Penguin spin-off series was announced. The show will continue the story after the events from The Batman movie and will focus on Oswald “Oz” Cobblepot’s rise in the criminal underworld of Gotham, and become the Penguin. The series is also going to lay the foundations for The Batman: Part II which is scheduled to come out in 2026.
The show will see Farell return to reprise the titular character, and Cristin Milioti has joined the cast as Sofia Falcone, the daughter of Carmine Falcone, the late king of Gotham’s underworld. The Penguin will have eight episodes, with Lauren LeFranc serving as the showrunner.
While The Penguin is a spin-off DC show, it will be considered as part of The Batman’s universe rather than the upcoming DC rebuild happening. DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn has clarified in the past that all movies and shows that do not follow the main continuity timeline of the DC Universe, will be released with the DC Elseworlds label.
Matt Reeves’ The Batman: Part II and Todd Philipps’ Joker: Folie à Deux are prime examples of projects that will be carrying the Elseworlds tag, keeping them separate for the overarching main storyline of DC, which kicks off with the release of Creature Commandos, an adult animated show releasing in late 2024.