Beautiful Katamari coming to PS3 after all (Updated: No it’s not!)

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For a good while it appeared that Beautiful Katamari would not be heading to the PlayStation 3 after developer Namco Bandai complained about difficulties with Sony’s futuristic devil hardware of doom from the planet HardToDevelopFor. It would seem, however, that Namco has mysteriously worked out how to actually do it, since a trip to Namco Bandai’s site will reveal that the game is confirmed for both Nintendo’s Wii and the PlayStation 3 in addition to the already announced Xbox 360 release.

With Sony’s fortunes showing signs of potential reversal, this is a respectable bonus for the much-maligned PS3. A release date is yet to be confirmed for either the Wii or PS3 versions, although 360 owners can roll garbage up into a ball to please a pedophile-lookalike on October 16th.

[Update: Seems that Namco Bandai had a brainfart. M’colleague Dale has just let me know that the site has now been edited and Beautiful Katamari is being shown as only available for Xbox 360. Oh well, the Sony obsessives will be sad now.] 

[Cheers, Justin]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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