There are so many different resources to farm in Warframe that it becomes a bit hard to remember where everything is. Once you get to a point in the game where you find a weapon or frame you want, you’ll also have to know where to get the components. One of the more elusive resources in the game is Tellurium, so we’ll help you find the best place to farm this rare crafting material in Warframe.
Where to farm Tellurium in Warframe
The best place to farm Tellurium in Warframe is in the Survival mission, Ophelia on Uranus. It does not matter if you play this in normal mode or on Steel Path. As long as you survive this mission for at least ten minutes, your chances of obtaining at least one unit of this resource are quite high.
This place is considered to be one of the best farming spots in the game due to its high enemy density and resource offerings. On top of finding items like Polymer Bundle, Plastids, and Gallium, you can get Tellurium here. You do not have to jump into the water and defeat enemies to get this drop. It is rare, so you will have to run this mission multiple times if you’re trying to stockpile this resource.
Bring frames that grant additional loot like Nekros, Khora, and Hydroid. Of course, they all have their respective builds that really enhance loot pools. This will greatly reduce the time needed to farm up Tellurium.
On top of frames that have good looting abilities, you will need to start using stronger builds. You get better rewards the longer you are in these missions as you’ll start fighting more Eximus and Elite units. They’re a lot tougher than standard infantry and trash mobs, so keep that in mind when going into long farming runs.
Alternative ways to farm Tellurium in Warframe
An alternative way to farm Tellurium in Warframe is by playing the Archwing Mobile Defense node on Salacia, Neptune. It doubles as a good place to rank up your Archwing gear because of its high enemy density. There are also a lot of chokepoints for each defense objective, making it easy to kill enemies in groups.
To optimally farm this mission, you should craft and then use the Itzal Archwing. Its third ability, Cosmic Crush, sucks enemies and resources towards you from a generous distance. Think of Mag’s Greedy Pull augment. It’s like that, but a bit more practical in a setting like this. Loot can even be pulled in through walls.
You can also try tier-4 Fortuna bounties. Tellurium is in the drop tables starting at Stage 2 and onward, but the chances of receiving it at the end of the stages are low compared to everything else. Also, bounties can take longer depending on travel time and what objective you need to complete. It’s just a way to break away from the monotony of a Survival mission.
Other than that, you can also try your luck at logging into the game every day when bonuses reset, but that isn’t the most reliable way. This acts more as an incentive to just get you to log in and play for a bit to look for the coveted resource.