Saryn is an intriguing frame in Warframe in that she’s very situational, but she’s so good in that one niche that she’s considered one of the best frames in the game. Her ability to infect and spread that infection can wipe out even the highest level enemies given time, with great Saryn players dealing up to 30K damage per second to dozens of enemies.
If you want that power for yourself, you need the right build. Here’s the best build for Saryn Prime in Warframe.
The best mods and Arcanes for Saryn Prime in Warframe
Saryn is entirely dependent on her abilities to see success, so most of the mod selection will be geared toward improving her Ability Range and Ability Strength. However, she’s also incredibly squishy and thus needs some survivability to last against Level 100 and higher enemies. As such, these mods are some of the best you can select:
- Physique (Aura Mod)
- Primed Flow
- Stretch
- Steel Fiber
- Vitality
- Overextended
- Continuity
- Transient Fortitude
- Intensify
If you don’t have Primed Flow, feel free to swap it out with Flow until you get it. As for the remaining mods, you’re free to Forma Saryn more to open up access to the Exilus slot. This setup just requires one Forma, and thus is easy to get built up if you have the mods.
As for the Arcanes, we’re taking Arcane Energize and Molt Augmented. Arcane Energize is a no-brainer and is used in just about every Warframe build for the immense Energy gains. Molt Augmented is picked here due to it giving Ability Strength on kill. Given that Saryn will be hitting the cap of 250 kills on the Arcane fairly quickly, you’ll be feeling those effects.
How should you play Saryn?
Saryn should be taken on missions where there are a lot of enemies in small spaces, such as Survival or Defense missions. Once enemies start spawning, you want to infest one enemy, kill them to spread the infection, then use your fourth ability every five seconds to do massive damage to infected enemies. If your infested enemy count is getting low, infect another target, kill them, and repeat the process.