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Because Billy Joel is the only popular musician who plays the piano, more of his music is coming to Rock Band 3 next week. The “Billy Joel Piano Challenge” will include:
- “I Go to Extremes”
- “Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)”
- “My Life”
- “Prelude/Angry Young Man” X
- “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant”
- “She’s Always a Woman”
The full pack will run you $9.99/800 MS Points/1000 Wii Points), with individual tracks being $1.99/160 MS Points/200 Wii Points. “Prelude/Angry Young Man” is the only song eligible for a Pro Guitar/Pro Bass upgrade, which will cost you an extra 99 cents.
Hey, Harmonix — Tom Waits was just inducted into the “Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.” Just throwing that out there.