Bionic Commando: Rearmed won’t be heading to Steam

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Despite beliefs to the contrary, it has been announced that Capcom’s Bionic Commando: Rearmed will not be distributed to PC gamers via Steam. It was pretty much a given that Valve’s service would carry the action game remake, but some late complications have seen the deal go sour.

“At the last minute, we’ve been unable to reach mutually agreeable terms with Valve on BCR, so they won’t be carrying it,” explained Capcom’s corporate officer Christian Svensson. “I won’t get into the details but we do continue to have a good relationship with Valve and future Capcom titles we expect to be carried on Steam.”

No details on whatever disagreements were had, but PC users can still pick Rearmed up from Direct2Drive or GamersGate for $14.99. Now everybody sit back and think what life would be like if we’d written “Bionic Commando runs out of Steam” for a headline.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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