BioWare held a grand tour for Kids with Cancer

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Earlier this year, BioWare offered up a tour of the company’s studio as an auction item for the Kids with Cancer Society‘s Beaded Journey Gala. The “BioWare Experience” was sold off for $15,500, and as a result, a few of the program’s children were able to learn a bit about videogame creation, play some Star Wars: The Old Republic, and even design a texture for a Dragon Age character.

The pièce de résistance was the opportunity to act out a scene with a few Dragon Age characters. The video above is the result of the kids’ work, and it is both friggin’ cute and hilarious. Hearing a big burly dude speak with a little girl’s voice is always good for a laugh. I’m also impressed by how well they delivered their lines. They could put a few actual voice actors to shame.

Good job, BioWare! You made some brave and deserving kids incredibly happy.

Kids with Cancer Society of Edmonton at BioWare [YouTube] (Thanks for the share, Zachariah!)

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Tony Ponce
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