BioWare launches ‘Gift of the Yeti’ Facebook game

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You read that headline, correctly. BioWare’s new R&D group, BioWare Labs, has just released its first title — a Facebook app/game called Gift of the Yeti

The game has a Yeti (yes, a Yeti) helping a sick Santa Clause deliver gifts for the holidays. By clicking the mouse around a map, you’ll drop off gifts to lit houses in order to get high scores and save Christmas. Or something. Also, when you start playing the game counts down “Yeti, set, go,” which is brilliant. 

The story of the Yeti will apparently unfold this month, which should have us all on the edge of our seat. After playing a few rounds, I’m already in love with the Yeti, and can’t wait to find out more about him.

Some perks of playing, outside of potential fun — you’ll get $10 off Dragon Age: Origins, and BioWare will donate up to $10,000 to Child’s Play sipmly for having people play the game. 

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Nick Chester
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