Bloggers Wanted: Giving Thanks

What are you thankful for?

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[This month’s Dtoid Community Assignment is all about being thankful!]

November is a great month. The weather is nicer. The leaves turn. Things slow down a bit in the waking world while we all gear up for the holidays. The one-two punch of Thanksgiving and Christmas is a great time for friends, family and food. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this this month’s Community Assignment is all about giving thanks.

For this month’s Bloggers Wanted, I want you to share with the community what games you are thankful for and why. To participate, start a community blog and title it “Giving Thanks: [Your title here]”, then just post your story about what game(s) you are thankful for and why. Keep in mind that it could be a series (Final Fantasy, Doom, etc.) that you are thankful for and that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the game itself. Maybe it’s the soundtrack or a character. Just whatever you are thankful for. Throughout the month of November, Myers Randanowitz Anderson Dixon and myself will be keeping an eye on the Community Blogs and promoting our favorite stories to the front page, so go through the garden path of your memories and share them with us. (For general tips on getting your blog promoted, click here!)

Soon enough the Turkey Holocaust will begin and we will all be fat and happy. Lets find out together what we are thankful for in the grand digital buffet of videogames.

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Community Manager - Occams started reading Destructoid in 2009, crowning himself the unofficial Lisa Frank ambassador and handing out decoder rings to new members. He became a moderator in 2015 and is now the Community Manager!
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