Bloober Team is asking for ‘a bit more patience’ re: Silent Hill 2 news

Remaining pretty silent (hill) on the subject.

Silent Hill 2: a creepy nurse down the end of a dingy corridor.

Rumors and speculations have led many to believe that the release of the Silent Hill 2 remake is imminent. However, we’re all still dreaming, and developer Bloober Team is asking that people chill out for a little bit longer.

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In a statement posted to the studio’s Twitter, Bloober has said it’s “diligently working to ensure the Silent Hill 2 remake attains the highest quality.” Work is also said to be “progressing smoothly,” and the team understands that fans are waiting patiently for any updates.

However, in the meantime, the developer is kindly asking for “a bit more patience” from the fan base. The statement ends by assuring people that as and when publisher Konami does share information, the “wait will be worthwhile.”

Commence thumb-twiddling

Understandably, fans are keen to know what’s happening with the much-anticipated remake. Silent Hill 2 is generally regarded as one of the most influential survival horror games of all time. Of course, with that comes a small amount of uncertainty and maybe a little pessimism.

Despite their visual quality, Bloober Team games have been criticized in the past. Most notably, 2021’s The Medium drew notes of disapproval for its depictions of mental health. That’s not to say the game wasn’t good, but some felt its representation of mental issues was lacking somewhat.

As a result, a few may be a little wary about how Bloober will handle Silent Hill 2, particularly in terms of its psychological themes. In any case, the studio is going to have to put a lot of effort in to keep new and old fans happy.

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Andrew Heaton
Andrew has been a gamer since the 17th century Restoration period. He now writes for a number of online publications, contributing news and other articles. He does not own a powdered wig.
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