By the same team doing the Wii U port
Back when Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night hit its Wii U stretch goal a week ago, it also revealed that for an additional half million dollars it would come to the PlayStation Vita. I was pretty sure it would hit that before the end of the campaign, but it got there even faster than I had anticipated. Adding in the PayPal funding that isn’t shown on the Kickstarter total, Bloodstained has had more than $3.5 million pledged to it by the general public.
Armature Studios, the same team set to work on the Wii U port, will be heading up the Vita port. Physical copies will be available for Vita; those who pledge $60 or higher can get it, despite that the $60 tier doesn’t explicitly include Vita. Additional platform-specific features include the ability to export the soundtrack to the Vita library, Cross-Save with the PlayStation 4 version, and touch screen map support similar to that planned for Wii U.
With the clearing of the Vita stretch goal, several more have been revealed. In $250,000 increments, the following goals are: orchestrated tracks, online challenge mode, a third playable character, and a free prequel minigame.
Lastly, I had hoped that the community would hit the “IGA cosplays” bonus goal, and it has. The team says that IGA is going to go all out for this, so we shouldn’t expect to see anything come from it until around Halloween. I’m hoping he cosplays as a grotesque, screen-filling boss monster.