I’ve played a few RPGs in my day, but I certainly don’t read fan fiction, attend conferences or masturbate to absurdist yaoi depictions of Cloud banging Party of Five’s Scott Wolf. As such, it’s hard for me to get really intensely excited about anything not beginning with the letter ‘F’ and ending with the letter ‘allout ‘.
The above footage, though, shows exactly why I’m so excited about Blue Dragon . Not only does it look prettier than Lea Thompson in Back to the Future , it also has a compelling art style — the sort of experimentalism the Xbox 360 is sorely lacking — that conjures images of Leigh having way too much fun watching episodes of DragonBall Z .
(Editor’s Note: Yes, I realize that’s because the art was created by the man behind the aforementioned Ball-themed series, so there’s no need to send us pedantic e-mails about how much more knowledgable you happen to be regarding a television show that would be more appealing to your average girl if it shot bees at her clitoris. — Nex)
Earnest Cavalli
I'm Nex.
I used to work here but my love of cash led me to take a gig with Wired.
I still keep an eye on the 'toid, but to see what I'm really up to, you should either hit up my Vox or go have a look at the Wired media empire.
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