Bonus Round takes on Industry Analysts

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While future episodes of GameTrailer’s Bonus Round may not be as hip as the last few that featured our very own Ron Workman, they still continue to take an interesting look at the people behind the industry, and this week they talk to two industry analysts.

Industry analysts are those heavily quoted guys that are always saying crazy things that leave us scratching our heads. Often they are saying something we already knew, though many other times they’re telling us something that – as gamers – we just know is wrong. When they are right, it’s usually something a soccer mom could tell you.

Bonus Round’s host Geoff Keighley does us proud and calls out analysts Michael Pachter (Wedbush Morgan and Securities) and Billy Pidegon (IDC) right away, asking if they just pull speculation out of their asses. What’s great is that Pachter, who is probably one of the most quoted analysts in the industry, admits to it. Good for him – we appreciate honesty! Pachter seems to be doing a good job of keeping tabs on the internet. He mentions our friends at Cheap Ass Gamer as well as the NeoGaf community, who he calls “intelligent and thoughtful.”

Pidgeon actually used to be a game producer, starting out on Sesame Street games and then moving to Acclaim to work on Mortal Combat titles. He says that he does play games, but admits that he is “embarassed of his gamer score.”

It is interesting to hear what goes on inside the head of an analyst and how they come to their conclusions. Head on over to Gametrailers to view Analyze This!, the first episode of this three part series.

[Via GameTrailers

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Dale North
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