Look forward to buying more PopCap Games, uh, games for your Nintendo DSes and DSis in the near future. The casual games developer announced that Bookworm and the uber-popular puzzle title Bejeweled Twist would hit the handheld platforms in two unique ways: through DSiWare and retail chains.
PopCap plans to bring Bookworm — the original — to DSiWare title “later this month,” while Bejeweled Twist is slated for a “mid-October” release via the downloadable platform. These two titles are to be short a few features. The official release mentions this in a vague way by comparing the downloadables to their proper DS brethren, which are touted as being fully-featured.
The DS versions of Bookworm is set to hit the first of December, while Bejeweled Twist won’t be available until Q1 2010.
If casual soul-sucking and time-munchin’ games are your thing, then these seem like a safe bet. Lord knows how much time we’ve spent glued to the monitor idly spelling words or matching colors. Good hours, mind you, but certainly not productive ones.