Borderlands 2 getting online split-screen co-op

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Once upon a time, split-screen co-op was the best we could hope for, but nowadays it feels like a rare treat. Gearbox is in the giving mood, confirming that Borderlands 2 will have the fabled cooperative feature, and that two players on the same TV can go online!

“The only situation you can not do is split-screen plus split-screen because you need a host,” said Gearbox’s Steve Gibson. “And a split-screen guy uses a lot of CPU, so he can not be the host.”

Borderlands 2 will also improve the user interface for split-screen players, meaning you can upgrade characters without having to excessively scroll through information. Couch friends, unite!

Borderlands 2 improves UI for split-screen, now with online [Joystiq]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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