Breakdancers: No match for Project Natal

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At a recent New York City Project Natal demo event, MTV Multiplayer busted out the stopwatch. The delay, or lag if you will, between what was happening on the screen compared to the player’s movements was about a tenth of a second.

Microsoft quickly responded, saying the demo was a “proof of concept,” and that the “development team had been hard at work perfecting the technology over the past eight months and will continue to do so.” When Natal launches this holiday, “the experiences will be keeping with Xbox 360 standards and performance and will transform living room entertainment.”

Read into that what you will, but if this video (from this same NYC event) proves anything, it’s that a breakdancer is no match for Project Natal. The on-screen avatar seems to match the dancer’s movements with some remarkable accuracy, from head to toe. Is there a noticeable lag? For sure, if you’re looking for it, but that doesn’t make the technology any less impressive. 

Now about those games…

Project Natal Tracks A Breakdancer Perfectly [TheTechJournal]

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Nick Chester
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