Last week, San Francisco Giants closer Brian Wilson appeared on Lopez Tonight to promote 2K Sports’ Major League Baseball 2K11. As you’ll see if you watch the clip (and I strongly recommend that you do, even in spite of the presence of George Lopez), the dude is out-there, but in a hilariously awesome way. To wit: Wilson dyed his thick beard gray and came out as a seaman — with clownfish socks on, to boot.
Wilson showed an MLB 2K11 short film on the show, the first in a series of vignettes that he’s been working on for 2K Sports. You can watch the minute-long clip, entitled “Brian Wilson Gets the Call,” above. In it, Wilson receives a call (on a cell phone circa 1989) from his digital doppelgänger, who claims he’ll win 2K’s $1 million perfect-game prize before the real Wilson.
I thought it was pretty damn funny; it’s apparent that Wilson possesses a not insignificant amount of acting talent. Sadly, the facial hair on Wilson’s in-game model can’t compare to the real deal (speaking of which, be sure to watch all the way to the end of the video).
Major League Baseball 2K11 hits stores on March 8th for 360, PS3, Wii, PC, PSP, and PS2.