British Army chief likes the PlayStation generation

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While most people blame videogames and gamers for society’s ills, there is at least one person who finds time to commend the so-called “PlayStation generation.” That man is British Army Chief of the General Staff Sir Richard Dannatt who is impressed by the actions of those who grew up with games in Iraq. That just sounds weird to say. Here’s what Dannatt proclaimed:

There is no doubt in my mind that our people, whether from the specialist Air Assault and Commando Brigades, or from the Ground Manoeuvre Brigades are all up to the job.

There was a time when commentators and some more experienced members of the Army expressed concern as to whether the ‘PlayStation generation’ were up to dealing with the gritty bloody conflict. Our young soldiers, drawn from across British society, are more than a match for what is required of them and I salute every one of them.

The courage, steadfastness and professionalism of our soldiers has been exemplary.

Of course, this is the perfect time for a backhanded remark about how videogames have obviously made them all better killers, but I like to think I’m better than that. Wait a second, no I’m not. Videogames have obviously made them all better killers.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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