RAGE will not be instituting an online pass, but it will feature codes for brand new buyers that will provide extra content. id Software’s solution happens to be a great idea and an example of the sort of thing companies should be doing to positively counter secondhand sales.
The code that comes with RAGE unlocks a variety of hatches in the game world. Without the code, these hatches will remain shut and you’ll never get the goods inside. They’re dotted all around the world, but you’re going to have to find them and you could miss them entirely without having your game negatively affected.
“I can tell you, some people will buy RAGE, download that, and still never set foot in those things,” said id’s Tim Willits. “They just won’t. I think that’s fair. It’s cool. It’s outside the main path. We’re not detracting from anything. But I know some consumers, when you can’t avoid it, then you get a little touchy subject.”
That, right there, is a beautiful example of rewarding new customers without punishing used ones. A real reward for loyal support, rather than making an exclusive out of something that ordinarily isn’t. RAGE was already high on my DO WANT list, but this classy not-online-pass scheme has definitely cemented my appreciation.
Tim Willits: Building Rage And Never Selling Out – Interview [Eurogamer]