Cage: Compare games to films, drive the industry forward

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Heavy Rain director and Tommy Wiseau clone David Cage has been making more ludicrous assertions, this time demanding that the game industry move on from old methods … by comparing them to older entertainment mediums.

“I approach videogames the same way I approach theatre, filmmaking, poetry or painting. I wish more people would take that point of view. It would help the industry to move on,” said Cage, sounding annoying and cleverer than anyone else. “I don’t just say these things to annoy, or to try and sound cleverer than anyone else.”

Cage also partook in his favorite hobby of demanding the death of things that still work really well: “I can clearly see how DualShock is the end of an era and we need to move to something else as an industry. I don’t know if Kinect or Move are the ultimate answer. It’s up to console manufacturers to bring [a new device]. But something will happen, hopefully soon.”

So, that’s how we move forward as an industry. By calling our games movies (as Indigo Prophecy pretentiously did) and scrapping things that work because we’re personally bored of them. HnnnnnnGOTCHA!

David Cage: Revolutionary thinking [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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