The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Estate map is challenging for many. It has a mix of long-range areas and short-range affair inside the buildings. It’s hard to be equipped for a map like this. Here’s how to succeed in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Estate area.

Stay in cover
You do not want to run around like a headless chicken on this map, especially if you want a good K/D. Transition from cover to cover as you’re running through the Estate’s open spaces. They can also be good spots to take aim at passersby and objective points.
In the Cutthroat game mode for Estate, the map is placed just outside the entrance of the building. There’s a greenhouse that provides outstanding cover. Get behind the tables, and the plants will obscure the enemy’s vision. You can get a few good shots on those who enter and leave the front entrance. Then, for the Cutthroat game mode with this area, you can capture the flag quickly to win the round. You want to make sure you listen for those on each side.
As a side note, try to avoid the entrance at all costs. It’s a hotspot that will almost inevitably end badly for you.
Furthermore, the kitchen in the Modern Warfare 3 Estate map is particularly a nasty spot. As you proceed through the area, there are plenty of sneaky corners where campers can shoot you down. Whenever you have to enter the building, watch all of your corners, and perhaps use a stun grenade to phase possible threats inside.

Awesome sightlines in the Modern Warfare 3 Estate map
If you want to rack up the K/D, you must find some good spots to rotate around. There’s a cheeky area you can go to on the docks. There’s a boat warehouse that has a lower level. It lets you peek on foes above you from the bottom floor. People in this position have been a nuisance to me many times, but it’s super handy if you want to get an awesome kill streak.
I particularly love the second floor of the Workshop. It gives you so many different angles of the battle below. Just keep listening for the footsteps from the stairs.
If you want to camp on this map (I won’t judge you…too much), I think one of the better spots is in the washroom on the second floor of the Estate building. You can get a peek at those trying to use the balcony as a spot to shoot outside opponents.
As the Modern Warfare 3 Estate map is so dynamic with its short-range and long-range situations, you’ll want a varied setup. Get a decent assault rifle with around a 2x-3x scope and an SMG like the WSP Stinger as your secondary for those short-range scuffles.
Hopefully, with these tips, your fight at the Estate will improve. Good luck, soldier. Unfortunately, if want to take a break from multiplayer and want to play some co-op, the campaign is only single-player. At least there’s the Zombies mode.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 05:55 pm