Can’t find a Wii? Get used to it

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According to our favorite PR person, Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo’s Wii shortage will last a tad longer than what we’ve been told and promised by other Ninty execs in the past. From Kaplan via Next Gen:

“There is a lot going on behind the scenes in terms of working on what we are producing and the numbers continue to rise but the product is so very popular that we may see a supply / demand situation last for some time.”

“We are at absolute maximum production and doing everything we can. The number of units that we have been able to produce has far exceeded our hardware production in the past and the production levels of a lot of our competitors but demand continues to be really high. People are being really diligent about working with retailers to locate one but we are cognisent of the fact that a lot of fans are not able to get their hands on one yet. We are asking them to be patient and to know that we are working on this as fast as we can.”

Is this really a huge issue? Will Nintendo suffer by not being able to take full advantage of the Wii’s sudden popularity? What I mean is, because the Wii is so hot now, doesn’t mean it will be later, meaning that by the time production catches up with demand, could it be too late for Nintendo?  

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Robert Summa
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