Castlevania: Harmony of Despair chapter 2 screenshots

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Are you sick of me repeatedly expressing an unquenchable desire to play Castlevania: Harmony of Despair? Keep scrolling. Nothing to see here.

Are they gone? Good. Because, I just have to say, I want this more than I want to experience the awkward discomfort of meeting Scarlet Johannsson. I want it more than I want to slap Ernest Borgnine. Nothing against Borgnine, whom I’ve always found to be a delight. I just think it would be exceedingly funny and one of those stories which would make me the hit at parties I don’t belong in.

But Castlevania trumps discomfort and desire for social acceptability. These screenshots show the second chapter of the game which is based around Dawn of Sorrow. Harmony of Despair arrives on Xbox Live Arcade on Tuesday. My goal is to try and keep from immolating spontaneously from anticipation until that time.

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Screenshots [andriasang]

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Conrad Zimmerman
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