Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth screens pop up

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Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth has come a long, long way since the GameBoy days, if these new screens that were recently shown in Famitsu are any indication. The WiiWare title has been confirmed as a complete remake of the original 1989 title, including a completely new score that features remixes of many of the famous songs from Castlevania’s history. I don’t recollect some of the levels shown here in the original game, so I’m wondering if this is more of a reimagining, but it’s been too long since I’ve played the first game to be sure.

The game is due to come out in Japan on October 27th for 1000 Wii points, and the US has no confirmed date beyond a vague mention of a third quarter release. Hey, at least we’re getting it. Being the hardcore 2D Castlevania addict that I am, I’ll be grabbing it the day it comes out, whenever that may be.

[Via GamerBytes]

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Colette Bennett
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