CES 2008: PlayStation 3 MIGHT make money … maybe … we think

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Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show, everyone’s favorite Tekken character lookalike Kaz Hirai has made an encouraging claim for investors — the PS3 may make money one day! As we all know, the PS3 is currently a profit whirlpool, sucking profit into its murky depths and negating any cash made with software, the PS2 and the PSP. It’s not all doom and gloom, however, as an optimistic Kaz is quick to point out.

“Component costs are coming down, and the number of components … we are seeing a reduction,” Kaz stated. “The 40 gigabyte PlayStation 3 obviously has fewer components and uses less power, which means that components required to dissipate heat, for example, can be smaller, so there is some cost reduction there … So costs are coming down significantly.”

With costs reducing, Kaz hopes that Sony will be on the “positive side of the equation” in due time. The new fiscal year begins in April and Hirai is aiming for profits before it’s over. A tall order, considering how damaging the thing has been for Sony thus far, but far be it from us to discourage a man with ambition.  

[Thanks to Aerox, the bubbly chocolate]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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