The Ace Attorney series is exceptionally fun. But with four games under its belt that all play very much the same way, I’m open to something new. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is new alright, and looks to provide a fresh spin on the classic formulas.
We had the opportunity to play the English localization of Miles Edgeworth while talking to Capcom this weekend and it’s looking pretty cool. I dig the third-person perspective, as it puts a little bit of motion on the screen and feels more like a game than an interactive story. Moving about and investigating the scene of a crime isn’t really all that different — you’re essentially doing the same stuff — but it gives enough of an impression that it is.
Where the game is a greater departure is in how Miles puts together the evidence that he’s found. Unlike in the Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice games, the “Logic Mode” used in Miles Edgeworth is about making logical connections between pieces of evidence instead of finding logical fallacies.Opening the Logic Mode screen will show you all of the evidence you have collected up to this point. By selecting the pieces of evidence you believe to be connected, you are rewarded with new clues for having made the connection. Making illogical connections, called “distractions,” deplete Miles’ life bar.
From what little we were able to play, I get this impression that this is just more Ace Attorney in a slightly different-looking package. Nothing wrong with that, and I’m looking forward to playing the game in its entirety when it releases on February 16th