Chad goes Head to Head with humiliation, humiliation wins

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I have not watched the above clip, nor do I have any desire to. You see, I was a panelist on X-Play’s brand new segment Head to Head yesterday and something … happened. Something rather embarrassing.

Not to ruin the “magic” of television, but, since you won’t see it (thank Nayru, Farore, and Din it wasn’t caught on camera!), I am sitting on a high director’s chair that is raised up on a tall (but small) platform. It is also worth mentioning that this elevated set-up is surrounded by a production office filled with busy people (this fact plays into the story later).

Seconds before the segment started taping, I leaned back in the tall director’s chair I was sitting in (ya’ know, to get comfortable) and it slid off the platform, resulting in me (and all the equipment attached to me) crashing to the floor. Remember those busy people I mentioned earlier in the story? Yeah, well, they laughed. Really hard. (To their credit, they did ask if I was okay after the chuckles died down.)

I managed to pick myself up (and, literally, dust myself off) in time for the taping, but it was too late: I was so embarrassed and distracted that I could barely concentrate on the questions Mr. Sessler was asking me. Seriously, I can’t remember a thing I said. This is why I refuse to watch the clip. I am too humiliated to see how it all turned out.

To end on a positive note, however, I will say that the X-Play producers (particularly Albert and Jess), hosts, and crew were unbelievably amazing. Thanks again to all involved. And at least I have a funny story to tell the grandkids someday, right?

If you guys watch it, can you do me a favor and let me know how it turned out? I am thankful it was short, but fearing the worst. Promise you’ll be gentle.

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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