Check out these awesome Dtoid community interviews

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Dtoid Community Weekends

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Need some fun stuff to occupy your time this weekend? The Dtoid community has you covered!

Destructoid community all-stars Everyday Legend and OpiumHerz have been absolutely rocking the cocks off the Community Interviews account since they took it over from LawofThermalDynamics back in August, and if you haven’t been keeping up then shame on you! SHAME! They’ve already interviewed Dtoid celebrities like Occams electric toothbrush, Sephzilla, Glowbear, PhilKenSebben, Usedtabe, and more, and who knows, maybe you’ll be next! But even if you’re not, you should check out their latest interview of ShadeOfLight, because it’s a great one. (Click here for the full list.)

Also, basement-dweller Brightside has a community Pokémon X/Y tournament in the works, Everyday Legend’s Dtoid Southeast NARP is still in its planning stages, and MAGFest 12 and PAX East 2014 are just around the corner! (Seriously, look! They’re RIGHT THERE!) And as always, smurfee mcgee posted another Weekend Warriors thread for this weekend, so check it out if you like playing videogames with others!

Anything else fun going on this weekend? Hit us up in the comments! And if you’ve got some free time and want to fill your ears with goodness, check out the latest in our long line of community podcasts: Not’toid, featuring Benny Disco, Zombie Orwell, and Occams electric toothbrush, with contributions from long john!

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