To Be or Not To Be
A few years ago, Ryan North (of Dinosaur Comics fame) set up a Kickstarter campaign for a “choose your own adventure” styled retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, titled To Be or Not To Be. It enjoyed enormous success, making more than $580,000 in pledges, and the final product turned out great.
With all of the backer rewards long since taken care of, it was a surprise to see a new backer update show up almost a year after the previous one. In it, To Be or Not To Be was announced as a videogame, available immediately for PC on Steam and Humble for $11.99.
As an owner of the book, I can heartily recommend it. It’s filled with a ton of artwork created by a huge list of artists, and in contrast to a lot of recent adventure games, the choices made in To Be or Not To Be can send the narrative in significantly different directions.