Chris Tucker confirms Rush Hour 4 production

This article is over 7 years old and may contain outdated information

To be the ‘rush of all rushes’

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Chris Tucker, the man of a million mouths, has officially confirmed production of Rush Hour 4 on ESPN podcast The Plug.

He stated, “It’s happening. This is gonna be the rush of all rushes. Jackie is ready, and we want to do this so people don’t ever forget it.”

Beyond that, there’s no production date or script details.

Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 were staples of my childhood. Hanging out on my dad’s couch over long stretches of idle weekends, TNT reruns of the Rush Hour films were my drugs, my sex. They were how I chose to destroy myself. My cousin and I used to quote the movies back and forth daily and get into near blood-letting fights over which was superior. It’s obviously Rush Hour 2. It has more action. The pacing is better. The tone ebbs and flows, and if anyone wants to fight about it, I am so ready to go.

But I digress.

I remember seeing Rush Hour 3 once and have completely forgotten it. That’s the problem with bringing back movies like these. Comedy isn’t evergreen, and trying to capture hijinks from a bygone era rarely brings success. But with nothing in the way of details, we can risk remaining excited for at least a little while.

Maybe they’ll update the formula for post-modern audiences and make the bloopers part of the Rush Hour 4, where a cell phone will suddenly ring in the middle of a fight scene, and Jackie Chan will have to answer it. Maybe Chris Tucker will spend twenty minutes mispronouncing gefilte fish, while Jackie Chan sits in a corner with his head in his hands. Maybe Warner Bros will add the franchise to the DCEU, and the duo will get to tear through New York City in the Batmobile. Anything is possible.

Now all we need is a new Beverly Hills Cop to happen.

Chris Tucker Confirms ‘Rush Hour 4’ Is Officially Happening [Planet Aviation]

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