This tweet by Clint Hocking suggests that he left his job at LucasArts for Valve Software. At the very least, the game designer brought his family up to visit the Bellevue, WA-based studio.
At this point, Hocking is probably best known for being the creative director of Far Cry 2, though he was involved with the Splinter Cell and Chaos Theory prior to that. Valve seems like it could be a good fit for him, so I’d really like to see this tweet-that’s-become-a-thing pan out.
“I recently left my job at LucasArts and am moving on to something new,” Hocking wrote in his last blog post, dated June 29. “Unlike last time, (and mercifully less wordy) I already have something lined up and I am currently in the process of dealing with the living hell of relocation.”
Clint Hocking Makes It Fairly Clear He Has Joined Valve [Gameranx]