Complete Sports Pack contains some lovely ‘attachments’ for your Wii

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Oh, God! What am I looking at? Wait…oh! These are only Wii Remote attachments. Whew. At first glance, I thought this was the ultimate sex toy kit.

It seems the folks at Gizmodo felt the same way. They show us this Complete Sports Pack from a company called Mad Cow. A mere $45.80 buys you everything you would ever want to try to stick in on your… Wiimote. I can pick out what most of these attachments are supposed to be: tennis racket, golf club, grips, system base. But what are those elongated things on the right?

My God, am… am I blushing?

Would you drop $45 for these attachments? Or are they too kinky for you? 

About The Author
Dale North
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