Contest: MAG beta extended, win your way in (Update)

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First thing’s first — Zipper Interactive has announced that its beta program for the massive online PlayStation 3 exclusive shooter MAG has been extended. It was originally scheduled to end on November 23, but that’s so last week.

MAG Beta 4 program” will continue this week, and the next phase — “MAG Beta 4.5″ — will re-launch on November 24 with another small download. What that means exactly is unclear, but if you’ve already pre-ordered MAG with GameStop, you should have received a beta key that will work throughout the beta. (You should still be able to pre-order online and get your working code; Zipper says in-store keys will “no longer support” the beta.”)

Want a key? Well, we have 100 keys to give away today. To win, simply comment and tell us which of the game’s private military factions you’ll join when you sign up and why. You can get more info on the factions from our earlier preview of the game. 

We’ll choose our 100 favorite answers (starting at around 5:00pm Eastern), and message you your key using Destructoid’s new private messaging system (which is also in beta). Good luck! 

[Update: The contest is closed, and I’m currently choosing winners and then private messaging the winners. Keep an eye out; I’ll update when all codes have been sent out. Since I’m doing this by hand and I’m one man, please give me time to organize and send out codes. Thanks!]

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Nick Chester
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