Contest – Nom Nom Galaxy + Wireless Headset

16 Total chances to win! International!

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To celebrate the Steam release of Nom Nom Galaxy and the numerous awards it’s received, the awesome folks at Q-Games have given you lovely folks a few chances at some cool stuffings. They also made this contest international as well! What’s up for grabs? Well, let’s take a look.

  • Grand Prize (1): The custom Pulse Elite Edition Wireless Headset above (link is so you can check out specs), along with a code for the game.
  • Second Place (5): A sky blue, skateboarding astroworker shirt, along with a copy of the game.
  • Third Place (10): A Steam code for the game.

There you have it. Sixteen total chances to win! Woooooo! Oh wait, what do you have to do to win?

To have a chance at winning, simply leave a comment below. Make us laugh, make us cry, name your favorite PixelJunk game, doesn’t matter. Throw something down there. Contest ends 9/30/15 @ 11:59. Good luck and remember Huge members (heh heh) have two chances to win!

Want to keep up to date on Q-Games? Check out their Twitter (@PixelJunkNews) and their Facebook page!

About The Author
Mike Martin
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