Contest: Win a Steam key for PC Building Simulator

Build a PC on your hand-built PC!

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Yo, I heard you like giveaways for wacky simulation games so I put another giveaway for a wacky simulation game up the day after another giveaway for a wacky simulation game.

Today’s offering should provide the meta-commentary on PC gaming that we all so desperately crave, as our friends at The Irregular Corporation have given us 16 copies of PC Building Simulator to give out! Why 16? Because 15 just wasn’t enough, and 17 was too many. Duh.

PC Building Simulator lets you live out your rig construction fantasies by giving you the tools to build your own bitchin’ setup, diagnose and fix operating system issues, and rock out while you clock out your components. With real licensed computer components to boot, you might even pick up a few new ideas for your own machine while you’re enjoying the sweet irony of building an expensive digital computer on your own expensive physical computer!

To enter the contest, all you’ve got to do is comment below letting us know what your new supercomputer will be able to do once it’s built. As a console gamer, I’d be happy with a rig that doesn’t take four days to download a patch for Overwatch. I just don’t understand the issue, my dear PlayStation 4.

Make sure you have a Dtoid account with your current email address before commenting, so I can actually get a hold of you. If I can’t email you, I can’t give you a free game. Figure it out, folks. Winners will be drawn on Monday, July 9.

PC Building Simulator is available now on Steam as an Early Access title.

About The Author
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Wes Tacos
Contest Baboon, part-time Mod, full-time dick joke specialist. Destructoid's official Hot Biscuits. I've personally backed exactly one KickStarter/crowdfunding project: Sony's PlayStation, by Dtoid community member darrenhupke.
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