Creative to make something ‘special’ with Alien game

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Creative Assembly has spoken a little about its recently revealed Alien game, divulging how it got the green light, and stressing the importance of crafting a unique, quality experience. 

“Well, the team finished Viking about three years ago now, and that was … flawed when it came out for PS3 and 360,” said Creative’s Tim Heaton. “… So we developed a demo using some of the technology from Viking, but really quite changed, and we took it to SEGA. We knew the Alien license was part of SEGA’s portfolio, so we showed them the demo and that was when everything changed. They got it, and it all became very clear that there was an opportunity there. The team were absolutely obsessed with it — it is the perfect videogame content, is not? It’s fantastic and the legacy.

“Equally, we are really commercially-minded, and we are that both in the studio and when we talk to SEGA. We only want to do something that’s going to be massively successful, so we understand the quality levels that we need to hit in order to sell an awful lot of this game. So we want to make something that’s quite different — we’re not just wanting to take the license and knock out a licensed game, we want to make something really special out of it. So we’ve spent three years since Viking working on the technology, really bespoke for this genre of game, for what we’re making, and it feels really, really strong now.”

It’s no secret that Aliens-related content makes me turbo-hard, so I can’t wait to see what Creative’s cooked up. I have a soft spot for Viking, despite its many serious problems. Hopefully they knock it out of the park with this mysterious Alien title. 

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James Stephanie Sterling
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