Crysis video overload! Watch me get shot in the face!

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Everyone has seen plenty of videos of the single player campaign of Crysis by now. So I’m going to start things off with the multiplayer aspect of the game instead. Also, because I’m slightly narcissistic, I wanted to start off with the videos that showed me getting owned. Twice (watch for the name CTZ). The Gametrailers guy was destroying everyone, especially in the Instant Action multiplayer match.

The first two multiplayer videos are from the Power Struggle portion of Crysis. The next two videos are from the Instant Action multiplayre match. Then the last three videos are from the single player portion that we got to play on the USS Hornet

Power Struggle part two:Instant Action part one: Instant Action part two:Single player campaign: Driving the boat:Single player campaign: Dicking around:Single player campaign: Rampage: One thing I want to add and that I completely forgot to mention on my hands-on report was that the water physics is easily the best I’ve ever seen. It looks realistic as hell and swimming in it is damn near realistic too. Again, little stuff like that impress the hell out of me.

What do you all think about how the multiplayer is looking?  

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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